SEA LION SPLASH SHOW back by popular demand at the Volusia County Fair and Youth Show Nov. 7-17. It’s Your Fair, A Family Affair

The only traveling, self-contained  sea-lion show in the United States. See close up how sea lions react in a natural setting. Learn how they act in the wild and how we can preserve them.

“Hey Jessica, Kevin, Kim, Spark, Zoey, and  Alicia!!

Hey! Just wanted to let you know  how much I enjoy your show together!! I actually go to the Big E in  Massachusetts every year and wait in the front row for about an hour for the  show to start!! I love the sea lions and have my picture taken with them every  year.

You guys are a great team and two thumbs up!! (way  up)”
Fanatic Fan,

The natural exhibit is presented in a tropical setting with rocks, palm trees, waterfalls, foliage and two pools. One pool where the sea lions can be observed under water and one pool outside with a top view. The exhibit is designed so the animals are seen from all sides during the show and during breaks. Marco and Philip Peters are recognized by millions of people for their always unique and exciting shows and exhibits. Let us invite you to their latest unique creation the Sea Lion Splash Show.

Showtime! Surfer Joe, trainer and host of the show, takes you through a thirty-minute spell binding show where he brings out the natural comedic behavior of these animals. These behaviors include in and out of water actions, balancing, catching and retrieving objects, hand stands, dancing, singing and interaction with the audience. The show is geared around educating the audience on the habits and nature of the sea lions with a lot of comedy thrown in. Sea lions are natural performers and will ad lib without prompting, stealing the show with their cute mischief. The finale of the show provides the audience a magical moment with a close sea-lion encounter. Whether Showtime or not, sea lions will continuously provide entertainment by being their natural selves.

Oklahoma State Fair

“They are absolutely awesome!” ~ Melinda Parsons